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#NewYear 2021 And Some Changes Will Truly Become New Normal

#NewYear 2021 And Some Changes Will Truly Become New Normal

Author:  Liberal HomoDeus 

Date: 15th December 2020 

Keywords: #NewYear, #COVID-19, #pandemic, #celebration, #SuperSpread, #vaccine, #happy, #anxiety, #holidays, #lonely, #business, #SelfReliant, #technology, #digital, #innovation, #lockdown , #togetherness 

Length: 1163 words


          The year 2020 itself brought many unanticipated challenges to many human communities and to the natural environment.  During the past eight months, people throughout the world have experienced high levels of stress and financial anxiety caused by the #COVID-19 #pandemic.  Around the world, we have dealt with the looming danger of climate change.  Those living in major cities have seen mass protests.  So, the prospect of a #NewYear 2021 without large-scale celebrations is preying on most people’s mind.

          The #pandemic does make things different.  We can see that, in the next coming year 2021, many of the digital habits which people have learned from #Covid-19 will not go away once the crisis is over.  What we learned from the digital world is once users get used to ways of dealing with online services, they rarely go back.  Do not expect a return to the ways we did things before and people are going to continue to engage with each other using these new online services like TikTok and Zoom.  Trends like a reliance on at-home broadband, the transition to digital payments, and communicating through online channels will likely continue well after the pandemic ends.

          The good news is #vaccines are apparently coming in the #NewYear but the last thing the country needs is the second #SuperSpread or the resurgence of the #Coronavirus.  Once again, government will need to balance the health risk against other societal challenges this pandemic has presented.

          However, even though many have suffered financial difficulties as a result of the #COVID-19 regulations, there is very prospect that some of the best years for business are following a crisis.  Once the anxiety is over, business people will manage the best ways they can and they will come out stronger.  Some business owners will soar while others are likely to take an even harder beating.  It depends on how operators can adjust and adapt to cope with the changes and grow very well after that.

          The volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity brought on by #Covid-19 have spurred business operators into reviewing their business plans to reflect the tremendous changes they need to adapt to in future.  For example, in the hospitality segment, the #pandemic made travelers focus on health and wellness which raises a promising possibility.
          Hospitals in Bangkok plan to move into a crucial phase of adapting to #Covid-19-imposed-changes as they look to introduce #technology and #innovations to their businesses for sustainable operation and growth.  Among the tangible changes are virtual health, robotics, artificial intelligence or AI, electronic implants, genomic analysis, 3D printing, brain computer interface and the next generation of Siri and Alexas.

          At individual level, it is inevitably embracing changes as we adjust to the new normal ushered in by the #pandemic.  The #lockdown period invented a #DigitalLifestyle which our home becomes some sort of delivery-unit.  All the necessities in daily life are to be found within our respective four walls.  We can have food delivered and films downloaded, and work can be done from home.  All these create the notion that we need never be alone because of mobile phones, social media and so on.  However, this kind of togetherness is characterized by a lack of depth, and often by the interventions of corporate bodies keen to sell us their products.  In both states of alone and together, money-making #technology inserts itself, adding to our convenience and taking away our experience.

          While the #NewYear holidays are approaching, people often conjure images of sharing in good cheer with one’s family and friends, for many people the season signals a time of #loneliness.  Families in sever pandemic-hit cities find themselves struggling with the dilemma of making memories and nurturing #togetherness without spreading the #coronavirus, which could hinder them from marking the holidays with loved ones.  All these elements conspire to make the end of this year one of isolation and difficult emotions.

          Whatever happens, we will not let our negative thoughts increased, making it difficult to initiate new efforts.  At this #NewYear holidays, if we feel unhappy and lonely, it is not solely caused by the outer circumstances but it is because we have pictures of ourselves being more surrounded by close friends than we are, more loved than we are, or having a lover who gets us more absolutely at this time of the year.  But these are exactly just pictures and projections.  Even when we are surrounded by people we love, and loved by them, loneliness still can be present because loneliness is not always about being alone, but rather about feeling out of step with others.

          In deep-down nature, if people can be honest to themselves, they are not so happy, they are looking for praise and reassurance, kind words, and looks of admiration.  But all the time they are chasing after these, they are expecting others to live their life for them.  They are basing their happiness on outer circumstances.  In fact, to be happy is able to be one’s own light.  Make one’s life sustainable physically, emotionally, financially, intellectually, and spiritually.

          Within the monastic community itself, in working on Perfection Pursuit, we have to be self-sustainable and self-reliant; even if we have a wonderful teacher to guide and reassure us, the teacher has his own life to live.  Even if we are part of a supportive Sangha, those people will not be present always, and we always have work to do that no one can do for us.

          In the ancient time, the Buddha’s original Sangha did not apparently spend all their time together, but convened only during the rainy season.  The rest of the time they went off according to their own lights, mixing with their own communities who had little or no knowledge of the Buddha’s teachings.

          Thinking deeply that Dhammakaya members vow to return, lifetime after lifetime, until the great work is fully accomplished, the Ultimate Dhamma is reached, and until that probably distant time we must remain upbeat, serene, and self-reliant.  If we harbor this attitude in our hearts, we can make anything that occurs positive for ourselves and for others.  We would also encourage others to vow similarly so they will be around when we need them for support.  And if we project this kind of intention ahead, we will make the next coming year a meaningful one that we can turn back and look at with a sense of happiness and joy.

          Ultimately, we will welcome the #NewYear 2021 by simply keeping our focus directed steadily at what matters most such as cultivating loving-kindness, equanimity through the practice of meditation and more meritorious deeds like alms-giving, acting to benefit others, and Precepts observation.  Be less anger, less quickness to anger, less greed, less judgment and more open-mindedness. Happy #NewYear 2021.

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               Author: Liberal HomoDeus

Posted on: 15th December 2019

Keywords: #New Year, #holiday, #happiness, #lonely

Length: 1225 words

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