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Wise Happy Living In Buddhist Caring Visionaries During #Pandemic and In New #PostPandemic Reality

Wise Happy Living In Buddhist Caring Visionaries During #Pandemic and In New #PostPandemic Reality

Author: Eleanor Choke-jaya 

Date:  1st May 2021

Keywords: #home, #pandemic, #equanimity, #NewNormal, #self-care, #joy, #reskill, #quarantine, #Buddhist, #meditation, #life, #ecosystem

Length: 1071 words


          The world before #COVID-19 looks very attractive right now.  A return to #PrePandemic normality seems appealing.  Perhaps, it is the right time to rethink our understanding of life’s well-being as we are heading towards new #PostPandemic reality.  Before that, it is to reflect on what the #pandemic has forced us to create habits and changes that benefit the society and ourselves which we can make them the #NewNormal in the #pandemic exit.  The good thing is the prolonged lockdown period has given us challenges that stretch our skills and heighten our resolve.  So passing the #pandemic crisis is equally passing the capability test.

          Many business people found that the unexpected #pandemic outbreak is the perfect chance to take the lead and show leadership skill to their customers of what they can offer in this situation, which fit to the lockdown circumstance such as they will deliver their clients this menu tomorrow morning.  At the same time, they are wise enough to adapt Buddhist caring values in their operation by showing sympathy, not to like increase price at this time for things that are crucially need in general public such as up-pricing the logistic charge as they know that people #StayAndWorkFromHome, order goods online due to the mandatory #quarantine and they are stressful to the possibility to lose job as corporates plan to downsize for surviving.

          Moreover, it is certain that business models and working patterns will change as people’s behavior change and when the business come back, it needs full energy and strong dynamic to recover.  Many people prepare for either upskilling or reskilling to be fit in the #NewNormal ahead.  #NewNormal is not essentially a bad thing to face; life with digital technology base will be a new living and working normal for most.  And with the help of technology and social media, if we have a really good plan or idea, we can use IT platform presenting it, sharing what we have and useful; let viewers just it whether it would work.  If they buy to our idea, chances we can succeed.  As we know that many #YouTubers can be well-known overnight when a single post went viral.

          However, even though technology enhances career channels and increases our revenue but because of the global lockdown restriction, technology cannot bring in travelers to generate local demand at this very moment; there are those who lost their income and are living on limited saving.  Gradually, they have a limited runway to go and are anxiously waiting for the lockdown exit to go out and start making a living in the cases of self-own business and freelance.  Generally, financial problem is a normal life difficulty that we are merely to survive and to get through.  It is a challenging aspect even for those who are doing well, or who are not struggling, because money is often relegated to a dark, hushed corner of our life with various reasons.  But what about viewing financial hardship as opportunities to grow, change, and improve our virtues?

          It is equanimity which is the ability to find space within all the ups and downs of our financial circumstance that allows us to access our sympathetic joy, compassion, and loving-kindness toward others.  These are the series of four Buddhist virtues called the Brahmavihārās.  To prior development of a sense of equanimity by taking a longer view so we are not swayed by the micro-movements of life which are temporary, it provides us the source of wisdom, resilience, appreciative joy, compassion, and generosity which are essential to help us get through the on-going economic crisis along with the rest in the society easier.

          Moreover, if we look closely to other life examples around us, we will see that the #pandemic has presented a watershed for many people in term of spiritual growth.  The uncertain reality was so sudden and surreal that it has sparked people’s interest in religion, given them an urge to be spiritual and take the practice, particularly #meditation more seriously.  They say that Buddhist teachings offer them a real-world explanation that is simple, testable, and, to the mind, irrefutable.  And these are what they need at this moment.  Moreover, Buddhist #meditation experience help them penetrate to the root of mental condition that any kind of theorizing becomes shallow and pointless.

          Usually, when people meditate, their instrument is their own awareness and their own observing power.  All of them integrate body, breath, and mind; they feel good while they are doing them; and when they finish, they will feel better than when they started.  The chance to meditate and cultivate a good heart is perhaps the best thing among all that the #pandemic has given us.

          During the #StayAndWorkFromHome period, some might think that their life is super stressful and they deserve a special treat now and then.  But if they apply a materialistic self-care approach to #detox their lockdown boredom, stress, and the need for attention for their aching heart, it is just a Band-Aid.  The discomfort will cycle back up and then they will have to ‘do’ another material-base self-#detox, and then another when they feel bad again.

          The better solution is to find new challenges to #detox their lockdown despair and mental fatigue by carving out daily time to focus on a challenge that matters to them such as an interesting hobby, a worthwhile goal, a meaningful conversation because enjoyable experiences and meaningful work are all possible remedies to unhealthy fear and worries during the lockdown.  They provide a sense of progress which is the most important factor of daily joy and motivation.  And some crisis-generated activities and works during the #pandemic can be transferred to #PostPandemic world.

          It is worthy to note that self-caring to #detox mental and physical toxic is a living practice that allows human’s innate capacity for caring to emerge.  Real self-caring is a practice, not a treat.  In the real life, we may not be able to avoid challenges that cause our living toxic.  But if we can successfully practice self-#detox, we can continuously live our toxic ways because as long as we kept #detoxing, we could also keep toxing!

          In optimistic view point, this dark time can also be the source of greater joy too.  Working from home also gives families the opportunity to enjoy dinners together.  Air quality around the world improved under #pandemic restrictions because many people traveled less by plane or car, which positively affected the environment and ecosystems.

          Looking into the lockdown exit, we will enter the so-called ‘#NewNormal’ situation.  There will be changes and continuity in our regional society and environment with recovery.  Mitigating the socio-economic impacts of #COVID-19 is one of the biggest challenges when we are in a stage to build back a better #NewNormal society.  A better #NewNormal society is a greener, more moral, more equitable and more caring normal, including more coordinating and forward-looking, and of course along with face-mask and social distancing in tow.

Related article(s): 

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