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#WorkLifeBalance, Practice And Buddhist Path Are Reaching The #Transition Milestone

#WorkLifeBalance, Practice And Buddhist Path Are Reaching The #Transition Milestone

Author:  Virtual-world Indy & Minimal Modernist 

Date: 15th March 2021 

Keywords: #pandemic, #meditation, #lockdown, #temple, #vaccine, #practice, #IT, #social 

Length: 1205 words


          During the start-stop sometimes re-start plus re-stop uncertainty of #pandemic #lockdowns, we have been forced to be a #social, at least in physical terms, for a year now.  Elderly people, meanwhile, are more likely to be living alone, as they may be less comfortable with technological devices to preserve #social contact.  For the working generations, the new prevalence of ‘WorkFromHome’, RemoteWorking, FlexibleWorking or even HybridWorking models have all played important roles in how to be through in a balance of their professional and personal lives.

          Redesigning many steps to adjust #WorkLifeBalance, and prevent burnout and despair in ongoing stagnant economy is a challenge.  There are no hard-and-fast rules.  It may be more of a continuous, a #lifelong process, never-ending exercise that requires vigilance, self-awareness and timely tweaks.  We should see it to live a #WorkLifeBalance is not an achievement, nor is a one-time fix, but a cycle with many learnings and adaptations involved.

          At the meantime, the immediate work to do is to prepare for the #transition back into post-#pandemic #SocialLife; in countries in which the virus is under control, masked #socializing is helping things feel like they are returning to normal.  But the fact is the prolonged #pandemic has left us with numbers of #NewNormal.  An elbow bump has become the new ‘Hello’ sign and this kind of greetings may stay as many are finding it awkward to ease back into handshakes, hugs, and other types of physical contact the #pandemic has suspended.  Those who are #COVID-conscious are being more selective about who they choose to #socialize with, as a matter of both physical and psychological comfort.  Others have even found themselves caught by panicked response of being in like a crowded room with other people without a mask on.

          The fact of the matter is we are the people of today and we might be a person of yesterday if we cannot adjust to the #social #NewNormal landscape, and if we cannot be in tune with what people think is funny or worry, we are left out.  This moment presents itself as a test of Buddhist training on Impermanence and constant changes in #life in the real world.

          What we all should do is to choose how to handle what is arising in our mind from moment to moment during the #transition and what to do with our minutes, hours, and days.  It is saying that this is a real test if the regular #meditation we have trained ourselves is equipped us to be a strong and sensible person, elevating the condition of our spirits at this moment and helping us realize our #TrueSelf and the greatest potential to go through all adjustments needed as an open-minded, cool, calm learning process, rather than a terrifying ordeal.

          At #Dhammakaya #Temple, we are fully aware of the necessity of teaching people in #meditation #practice to empower mental, and spiritual strength so that they can combat their own despair and fear when encountering unprepared frightening disruption in #life.  But teaching people is somewhat a tough job.  The work of teaching goes beyond teaching to involve a larger labour of loving-kindness and patience.  Moreover, for a good result as an outcome, the #Temple has to invest in creating a nurturing environment for both #meditation teachers and practitioners, and keeping the place to provide the teachings and services continuously amid situations.  All these are required a huge effort and commitment.  Thinking that if we lost this place for spiritual resilience and strength, where will people turn in the next crisis?  This alone are the reasons that we strive to keep the Temple’s door open.

          Fortunately, the #Temple basically has found a way, to always know what the majority thinks and what they look for.  And by always knowing what the majority thinks and what they look for, the #Temple gets them something, they hope and trust.  The #Temple knows that with new customary search to find what should be known about Buddhism, people today go online and ask Google some even the most obscure #Dhamma questions, they will find a variety of answers, including overwhelming number of articles about Buddhism, and a great abundance of #Dhamma programs.  Also, there are YouTube videos of renowned #meditation teachers, and many different schools of meditative training for them to choose at their fingertips, to select a technique that they feel it makes sense to them.

          So, the #Temple #IT savvy team automates the online systems, makes them efficient, which can ensure the high frequent appearance on screen of the #Temple’s activities, programs, projects, to every search engine.  With additional budget injected into building up the in-house IT infrastructure and the opening of more social apps such as Zoom and Clubhouse, the Temple’s meditation and Dhamma teaching programs reach limitless new online soul-searching audience.  The statistics show the increasing new virtual members, making the invested cost per head getting low.  It is a worthwhile investment and an eye-opener.

          For the practitioners part, once they have made their choice, then it is important to explore the technique and become familiar with it through direct experience by practicing.  It is time to find a place to #practice, be it a #temple, a #meditation center or a retreat site.

          Whatsoever where they join and which technique they take, the main point is that #meditation #practice is called ‘#practice’ because the key is repetition, meaning doing the same thing over and over.  Doing one thing repeatedly and well is apt to bear more fruit than dabbling in one thing after another, or taking a mix-and-match approach.

          It is also worth remembering that #meditation #practice equals #meditation plus post-#meditation; instead of thinking of #practice as something they do, which they turn on and off, they should shift to the view that because they are a practitioner, everything they do becomes #practice.

          It is recommended that in their place whether a house or an office, to set aside a corner of a room or even just a regular spot to meditate, or keep a cushion or chair there especially for this purpose.  Such a designated area serves as a physical reminder of the intent to #practice.  Even when they are not practicing, it is as though they are inviting #practice vibes into their living or working space.

          Another reminder is, traditionally, it is said that more progress in #meditation means more challenges.  When facing challenges, it is good to come back over and over again to the first inspiration.

          Lastly, the #COVID-19 is still with us; the #vaccines have arrived and on the process of vaccination; potentially the #pandemic will eventually gone.  After the transition, the #coronavirus may be with us in a non-pandemic stage, and our lives, our #practice, and the path will be going on.  We wish our Temple’s followers and all Buddhists who have faced the #COVID-19 wrought fate can come up with their own strategy to successfully achieve the #WorkLifeBalance in the embrace of a healthy Buddhist path, as well as take their #practice in an even better direction and stage.

Related article(s): 

Meditation Practice Transcending the Global Hack of #COVID-19 and Preparing Life for the New Normal in Post-COVID Landscape 

AuthorEleanor Choke-jaya                 

Posted on15th May 2020

Keywords    #meditation, #Buddhism, #religious, #immigration, #pandemic, #Coronavirus, #panic, #fear, #workfromhome, #global, #lockdown

Length1432 words

Remembering Khun Yay Chandra Through Her Teachings of Meditation And Our Struggle To Keep Up With Her

               AuthorWitcoin Miner

Keywords#excellence, #KhunYay, #meditation, #SammaArahang, #mind, #practice, #lockdown

Length1340 words     

Posted on15th September 2020


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