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Taking A Glimpse Into #Metaverse Time To See How Buddhist Teaching Might Have A Role

Taking A Glimpse Into #Metaverse Time To See How Buddhist Teaching Might Have A Role 

Author:  Avatar Meta-land 

Posted on: 15th January 2022 

Keywords: #web, #digital, #newyear, #holiday

Length:  941  words 


          We go into the 2022NewYear of Tiger with some irregularities brought along with us such as with the WFH life pattern which understandably many people had much juggling at the beginning as well as made the most possibly out of it at the end.  Parents who have adopted WFH since the past twelve months had realized that kids grow up faster than they think and we hope they have taken the opportunity to form good memories with them.

          We also enter the 2022NewYear with a vision of the prospective better world ahead that #metaverse will likely bring to our life.  With the Zuckerberg wowing global citizen with his Meta’s vision, tech-driven geeks and meta fans seem to buy to his idea that the future world will be the place where imagination becomes reality, the place everyone is dreaming of.

          The #metaverse as what we have learnt recently is a virtual world where people can interact and do activities in a shared virtual environment such as conferences, entertainment and shopping.  People see this meta-technology will contribute to a balanced society at the same time driving business by transforming how people live through the integration of advanced technologies, imagination and creativity.

          We know that the Web 2.0 has passed and are now evolving towards Web 3.0 where people, places, things and assets can be in a fully virtual environment.  #Metaverse is Web 3.0 with convergence of physical and digital lives.

          Let’s imagine, in the spirit of NewYear Holidays giving, greetings, and of wanting to make things jolly for everyone, we may operate with a monumental ‘To Do’ list, make numerous commitments to entertain, and set standards of decorating or gift giving.  With all these have-to-do checklist of what the holiday's season demands of us, we can end up not treating ourselves so kindly.

          But, if we were in the Web 3.0 #metaverse at this moment, we can extend to celebrate the seasons seamlessly with the integration of simulated sights, sounds, and even feelings of the holidays’ vibes into our perception of the settings around us.  Our real in combination with virtual surroundings will become filled with persons, places, objects, and activities that do not actually exist, and yet they will seem deeply authentic to us.

          It will dramatically enhance our holidays experience beyond imagination with less ‘To Do’ list of preparation to bother.  But the holiday’s season should not only aim for creating happiness from external resources but also internally from our minds and bodies. 

          NewYear Holidays is not only all about decoration and setting-up an elaborate venue for gaming, dancing, singing, drinking, and eating but gift giving is also a key celebrating moment.  It is an act making people happy.  Gift-giving is not limited for friends and loved ones but can be extended to those in need at this time.  In fact, there are always people who need our spirit of generosity whether or not we are in the spirit of holiday.  Extend our generosity and just watch how those around us begin to boast the holiday glow.  It will make the holidays really mean the happy days.

          But, if we were feeling a bit stingy or closed-hearted at this time, it is a recommendation to call upon a memory of someone who demonstrated generosity to us.  Bring them into our mind’s eye and feel, once again, what it was like to be on the receiving end of their generosity such as remembering how delicious it felt to be cared for in this way.

          Psychological studies said people who have been blessed with being surrounded by those who have modeled loving-kindness and generosity especially, grandmothers, mother, mothers of friends, teachers, and mentors receive firsthand how to be caring and they can learn to be more generous by modeling the kind acts of those who have gone before them.  The studies also said that wise and wonderful people are likely generous and kind because they are so caring themselves.

          Whether or not we are in amidst of those wise and wonderful people, we can begin to cultivate the spirit of generosity now.  The NewYear Holidays we celebrate invite us to think a bit more about how we relate to others, to examine our own hearts; to open them wide, offer wishes of well-being to others, and engage in acts of generosity.

          It is not new to know that generosity is universal but the newer to learn is it is meta which means transcendent, so it should be a perfect act to be experimented in the #metaverse time as well, even though the Buddha advises to act generously 2600 years ago.

         Being optimistic, the #metaverse uplifting technology will be force of good, making the world a magical place and expanding what it means to be human while helping boost social harmony.  Being realistic, it can happen only we need to proceed carefully and thoughtfully, otherwise #metaverse will be no difference as the physical-verse which is full of things we want to change or want them to be differently like all kinds of corruption and manipulation hidden in different layers.

          Buddhist teaching advises the set of ethical practice in creating a harmonious-verse: kindness and generosity to counter-balance with manipulation and corruption. In any time and place, the wise and wonderful people enriched with kindness and generosity create a harmonious society. To build #metaverse harmonious co-existing environment, we must not forget to equip our avatar in the #metaverse with both virtues too, otherwise we will encounter #metaverse misery instead.


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