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I am so afraid of ghosts.


I am so afraid of ghosts.

Author:  VaNa De-va 

Date: 15th May 2022 

Keywords: #ghost, #haunt, #imagination

Length: 481 words 


          Hey, everybody, welcome to my 5-minutes Dhamma Talk Channel, today, I receive a question from Gai, one of my Channel’s viewers.  She wants to ask the monk about ghost.  It sounds exciting, doesn’t it?  Let’s listen to her question. 

          I am a kind of person who is so afraid of ghosts.  Especially when I know somebody in my family or someone I know has just died; during those times I would not be able to sleep or being alone in the house after dark because I could not stop thinking about the dead might come to me or make appearance or sound.  When getting in bed, I would cover myself from head to toe for fear that ghosts might tease me by pulling my leg at night.  How can I stop being afraid of ghosts? 

          So, now, let’s see what the venerable monk is going to say? 

          The fear will not stay with you long because by nature it is impermanent, meaning it comes and goes.  But, if you keep thinking about the death of someone that you know, it causes the fear coming back to you; it is equal as you extend its stay.  The best way is do not let your mind wander aimlessly because it will end up thinking about things you are afraid of such as ghosts.  Find time to chant the prayers.  If you have firm faith in the Triple Gem: Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, the prayers will have the power to protect you. 

          As a matter of fact, you are not afraid of ghosts but you are afraid of your imagination.  Whenever, you can stop imagining things, you can stop being afraid of ghost.  It is all in your mind.  I suggested you to chant the prayers because chanting can help reduce aimless and groundless imagination.   Moreover, if you could practice meditation whether be it mindfulness meditation or concentration meditation, you will be able to count on it.  Mindfulness and concentration combat fear.  Suppressing fear can cause it to reemerge intensely.  Instead of suppressing it, you neutrally observe it through the strength of mindfulness; then it will fade away.  At the beginning of practice, you may not be able to get rid of it quickly.  When your mindfulness is getting stronger, you will realize the rising fear quicker and it cannot take on you long.  Keep practicing. 

          Being afraid of ghost does not have only a downside but the upside is it benefits the practice of meditation for some afraid-of-ghost practitioners.   While practicing, they concentrate well on the breath for fear that if the mind starts wandering, their imagination can go wild into thinking about various ghost versions.  So the more they are afraid of ghosts, the more they meditate well.  Likewise, the old say, the more the tortoise fears, the more it shrinks its head.

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I am so afraid of ghosts.

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