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Tuesday, March 18


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Proud Of The First Tiny Step: The 1st Anniversary


Proud Of The First Tiny Step: The 1st Anniversary 



         A L o o S e Chit Chit-Chat Blogg has turned 1 year old!  It is time to celebrate!  It is a tiny milestone.  We began the Blogg as a modest effort; within a year we now have international viewers of all faiths, which include those from Islamic countries such as Turkey, Kazakhstan and those from Catholic countries like Argentina, Peru, Philippine, etc.

          The idea behind A L o o S e Chit Chit-Chat Blogg is to offer the Blogg’s fans and visitors an opportunity to experience the life of Buddhist community and member network at Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand.  Looking ahead, the Blogg’s i-team envisions a slight change in emphasis for the already successful feedback in the second year.  We want to provide even more Buddhist wisdom.

          With an online presence, we have been reaching thousands of readers.  Over the past year, over 87,000 viewers including you have visited our site, reading about 25 articles, listening to ‘voice-reading articles’ section and watching about twelve music videos and others.  Online has indeed helped us stay connected and foster a sense of community which are the focus of our efforts; moreover, the internet allows us to pursue our goal in a way never before available.  Therefore, it is fitting that the Blogg has delivered Buddhist viewpoints, teachings and cultures via internet platform in these days.  Thousands of our online viewers and visitors have joined us in sharing and spreading the messages over the past year.

          We would like to take this occasion of our first anniversary to reflect on a few of the topics most liked and shared by our Blogg’s fans: ordination; alms-giving, meditation, Buddhist holy days, Buddhist way of life including the topics related to the global pandemic virus and so on.  To be sure, these articles are not new, yet we have taken them on fresh urgency in a social and religious climate that has changed greatly, and presented them through our Buddhist lens to reveal some hidden nooks of the issues and give our readers something to think about.

          We also take a look at where we were then and where we are now and, perhaps, where we are headed.  We know we continue to grow, and we will continue to expand our menu of offerings with a wish to entertain our Blogg’s fans with Buddhist treasure.

          We look forward to your participation in the coming year.  It is your community and our pleasure to build it with you.  Our sincere wish is that Buddhist teachings, guided practices, and stories can be a balm to all in these difficult times as well as other not so-difficult times too.

iChat-team -A L o o S e Chit-Chat Blogg

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