Venerable Sodh Candasaro And His Meditation Best Known as Samma Arahang Method With Many Miracles Surrounding It
Author: Nano-organic Elixir
Date: 1st August 2020
Keywords: #miracle, #Dhammakaya, #SammaArahang, #meditation, #lottery
Length: 1551 words
One lottery-lucky-number case well known within #Dhammakaya circle was that around 1955 when black market lotteries were rife in Thai society. One day however, a regular in the congregation, who practiced meditation sporadically and had more than a modicum of intelligence came to the Venerable asking for lucky numbers to ameliorate his poverty. Normally anyone asking for luck on the lottery would be chased out of the temple.
On that day, the Venerable did not say a word, but turned to one of his novices for paper and pencil. He scribbled briefly on the paper and sealed it in an envelope. The layman put out his hand to receive the envelope but the Venerable withdrew the envelope from reach saying: ‘Don’t you forget, this lottery is going to be the most important of your life. It will help you both in this lifetime and the next. It will bring you riches both this life and in the hereafter.’
He also had his condition: ‘… no rushing to open this envelope! Wait until you get home. Take a wash and freshen up. Have a good meal. Do your evening chanting. Sit for meditation until your mind is as clear as a diamond. Do not dare to open the envelope if your mind is not clear, otherwise you will miss out on worldly success. As soon as your mind is clear, only then open the envelope.’
The laymen was ecstatic, smiling broadly and thinking of his riches. As soon as he stepped down from the pavilion a crowd gathered round him. Some people fought with one another in order to get the best price to buy the envelope from him. He refused to sell it. There was no way he was going to give up his lifetime’s riches.
He went home, bathed, had a meal and kneeled down to do his chanting, then meditated, as soon as he thought that his mind was clear, he whipped out the envelope and prepared to receive his lucky number. He cautiously opened the envelope and took out the slip of paper. On the paper were written nine words: ‘The more you gamble, the more you rob yourself.’
He nearly had a heart attack. He was so angry!, thinking if the Venerable was not going to help on the lottery, why didn’t he say so? Why did he have to insult me, too? Next he felt regret that he had not sold the envelope when all those people had offered to buy it. However, the peace of mind from having just completed his meditation still pervaded his being and he started to think, if the Venerable had gone to such lengths just to teach him a lesson, it meant he must have no chance for luck on the lottery.
As well, reflecting the fact that all his lottery friends who used to be wealthier than he, gradually went bankrupt, one-by-one. Some won the lottery but the lottery refused to pay and died in the ensuing stabbing matches. He from that day on lost all interest in the lottery then continued with the task of earning an honest living, and from successful business and from the money he saved by not buying lottery tickets, he soon became wealthy and contributed to the temple’s upkeep.
At last he realized that the Venerable had not tricked him with promises of fortune all those years ago, but had wanted him to realize his true wealth, rather than letting the lottery gobble up his income.
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