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Wednesday, March 19


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2019 Eleanor Choke-jaya

I am reading this article ....

Female Buddhists Working in the TempleLife and Roles  

Eleanor  Choke-jaya

Posted on:    15th August 2019

Keywords#female, #force, #temple, #working woman, #community

Length 1203 words


..... to my grandma who is often physically inconvenient to read it on her own but always conveniently enjoy listening to the latest uploaded one every forthright @ A L o o S e Chit-Chat Blogg!!  All can come and join in whenever you have time.  Enjoy!
Click Here To Start Listening

I am reading this article ....

Phra DhammajayoThe Most Loved As Equally As Controversial Monk

Eleanor Choke-jaya

Posted on:    1st September 2019 

Keywords#Buddhism, #controversial, #meditation, #monk 

Length1563 words


..... to my grandma who is often physically inconvenient to read it on her own but always conveniently enjoy listening to the latest uploaded one every forthright @ A L o o S e Chit-Chat Blogg!!  All can come and join in whenever you have time.  Enjoy!
Click Here To Start Listening

I am reading this article ....

Buddhist Meditation Founds Its Function in Transoceanic Land

Eleanor Choke-jaya

Posted on:    15th September 2019

Keywords: #meditation, #Buddhism, #religious, #immigration

Length: 1104 words


..... to my grandma who is often physically inconvenient to read it on her own but always conveniently enjoy listening to the latest uploaded one every forthright @ A L o o S e Chit-Chat Blogg!!  All can come and join in whenever you have time.  Enjoy!
Click Here To Start Listening

I am reading this article ....

Pilgrimage in the Ostentatious OutlookFake or Innovation

Eleanor  Choke-jaya    
Posted on: 1st December 2019

Keywords #pilgrimage, #innovation, #fake, #event, #monk 

Length:  1204 words


..... to my grandma who is often physically inconvenient to read it on her own but always conveniently enjoy listening to the latest uploaded one every forthright @ A L o o S e Chit-Chat Blogg!!  All can come and join in whenever you have time.  Enjoy!
Click Here To Start Listening

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