#Impermanence Provides #Threat Of Dying As Well As Chance Of Growing
Author: Minimal Modernist & Virtual-world Indy
Posted on: 15th November 2021
Keywords: #Buddhist, #monastic, #religion, #scripture
Length: 929 words
The media headlines on hierarchical Sangha administration issues have in fact spurred Thai Buddhists to pay more interest in the more textually based version of Buddhism, while also stimulating responsibility of every individual Buddhist to care for the welfare of the religion, and striving to attain mental liberation for oneself.
It is definitely beneficial to reinterpret the religion along rational and egalitarian values, and enhance the importance of Tipitaka reading in this critical setting. Ethical practice and knowledge of scripture should be regarded as a form of the basis of authentic version of the religion.
In the older custom, Buddhist scriptures were frequently accessed indirectly through commentarial and narrative texts as well as the preaching by monks in the vernacular languages. It is a delight to see that more Buddhists in the modern period came to view that the direct access to the religion’s most ancient and authoritative texts is necessary for defining who they are and what they believe.
Studying Buddhist scriptures with scientific scholarly methods in the present academic faculties helps to shape the development of modern Buddhist thought and values that will contribute to a sharper understanding of what Buddhism is and how it should be practiced. It will also lead to the dynamic re-imagining of what Buddhism represents and includes as both an idea and a social fact.
With an academic rational approach, the modern form of Buddhism can be compared with other world religions in terms of its teachings and its international scope. Buddhism with the vision as a functional world religion with adherents should speak to the needs of all humans as a universal, scientific, and spiritual epistemology, so that the proclamations about the moral superiority of Buddhism that adheres to the timeless truths of its scriptures can be continuously echoed by modern Buddhist generations.
The correct Buddhist path as a non-theistic, morally pure, and rational practice is in fact in harmony with scientific thought; as it explains that one’s enlightenment can be attained without seeking the help of God or gods. This makes Buddhism universal and modern.
The depiction of Buddhism as a modern-thinking religion of moral activity undertaken for the benefit of humanity remains influential in contemporary and retains currency in many parts of the Buddhist world. This is accompanied by an emphasis on internalized and individualized Buddhist practice, wherein laypersons are expected to permeate their daily lives with the teachings and make the practice permeate globally. It can be possible for Buddhist practice to be a global culture because the history of scholarship suggests that techniques of religious representation and dissemination could be developed, borrowed, and altered across cultural boundaries.
What Does It Really Mean Religious #Freedom, #Polity, #Protection, #Support?
Author: Minimal Modernist & Virtual-world Indy
Posted on: 15th
October 2021
Keywords: #government, #monk, #supervision, #legitimation
Length: 946
The Series Street #FlashMobs of Gen.Z Protesters with Face Mask Amid #COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Eleanor Choke-jaya
Posted on: 15th November, 2020
#pandemic, #protest,
#flashmob, #justice, #violence, #FreeYouth, #corruption, #coronavirus,
#democracy, #FreeSpeech, #reform, #rally, #paticcasamuppada, #emergency
Length: 1586 words
Buddhism And Polity In the Digital Society: Monarchy, Democracy, Republican, Communism
Author: Nano-organic Elixir
Posted on: 1st
March 2020
Keywords: #monarchy, #democracy, #republican, #communism, #politics,
#Buddhism, #innovation, #socialmedia, #IT
Length: 1529
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