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#NewYear Comes Along And Goes Along With #NewWave of #CoronaVirus But Temple’s Activities Boosted by Online Technology

#NewYear Comes Along And Goes Along With #NewWave of #CoronaVirus But Temple’s Activities Boosted by Online Technology

Author: Liberal HomoDeus 

Date: 15th January 2021 

Keywords: #COVID-19, #pandemic, #outbreak, #celebration, #vaccine, #IT, #anxiety, #meditation, #lonely, #temple, #hope, #lockdown 

Length: 1169 words


          The world citizen across the globe has entered into the #NewYear 2021 along with the fresh surge of #COVID-19 infections.  We all witnessed this year’s #NewYear countdown celebrations which were divided into small zones with a limited number of participants amid fears that it would be difficult to control the spread of #COVID-19 if a large crowd were allowed to gather at a single spot.

          Many owners of public gathering venues agree upon the idea of splitting the NewYear’s Eve celebrations into different zones because it would be the best way of preventing any possible spread of the #CoronaVirus.  Others pay safe by cancelling all pre-scheduled celebrations.  Even though tech experts suggest the method to screen every attendant and register them all via a mobile phone application for #COVID-19 tracking in the event, they know it is impossible to ensure everyone strictly follows the #COVID-19 prevention regulations imposed on them nor that the #COVID-19 prevention measures they have prepared would be effective once a huge crowd have gathered.

          The new infection later emerging has caused people to worry that the government will apply rigid national #lockdown measures to curb the impact on the overall economy and to succeed in containing the new #outbreak.  Job seekers are worried about public employment, anticipating that business’ landscape can have a complete change with companies opting to hire more freelancers instead of full-time staff.  With people still being concerned about the #pandemic, most business are competing to survive by means of hybrid services, both online and offline.

          The upbeat message is the availability of a #COVID-19 #vaccine is on the way to arrive.  People in the areas have been hardest hit since the first surge, among them are medical staff and volunteers who have been working so hard, are tired and desperately need the rest that the vaccine promises.  While waiting for vaccination, what we should do for the time being is try get enough sleep and exercise, stay informed, and be an active citizen.

          In the monastic part, the temple’s religious services have also been battered by the #pandemic since the government’s #lockdown measures from March 2020 and the prospects to fully resume the religious activities remain murky because of the concerns over a second wave or a #NewWave of infections and the regulation to be in line with social distancing measures produces some obstacles.  The prolonged #pandemic also affects temple goers’ sentiment and psychology.

          From the monastic standpoint, temple’s management team is aware that the religious activities is the first area in which many are ready to cut their spending and give up their attending.  Fortunately, temple’s meritorious activities have been boosted by flourishing online technology, Zoom in particular.  It is telling temple’s operators that they should not afford to stop thinking about possible plans to attract the new members online to its member network as online is a vital source for reaching new constituencies.  At the meantime new strategies in an embrace of creativity and IT-based innovation in their operation and mission of spreading Dhammakaya Meditation Tradition to be implemented after the country can control the recent #outbreak should be thought about as the #pandemic is believed to be more controllable with warmer weather in the summer.

          It is important to understand that in this fast-paced IT disrupting time, we cannot wait for lineage elders to look for the new ways and institute the technological changes we want.  If the elders are not yet ready to move, lineage youngsters need to step up and take the lead.  In upholding the tradition, it does not mean our working and decision-making traditions cannot be changed.  Without ways that create transformative action and greater wisdom to hack the continuing #COVID-19-wrought trend, the tradition will not last.  The monastery is no different.  If the monastic administrative culture is to contain any further meaning, the system and people working inside it must adapt to the IT-orientated problem-solving solution especially during this #pandemic second season lockdown.

        It is understandably that looking at our tradition through the lens of impermanence and instability can be scary but when we look at it without attachment, we will see clearly that there is always way to refurbish, reform and regain momentum to reemerge and start a new and thrive.  And in these especially hard days for people whose minds are burdened with the fatigue of depression, the grief of loss, if they look at the #pandemic phenomenon through the lens of impermanence, it is not exactly late-breaking news to learn that it arises and it will pass away.

          So to get 2021 off to a balanced, healthful start so that we can face all that the #NewYear comes along and goes along with strength and resilience, let see it in the light that the #COVID-19 resurgence gives us more contemplative time, more looking deeply to see what we can see inside our mind.  And paying attention even when the mind lacks energy, soothes the anxiety about the fatigue.  When the mind is soothed and calm, mindfulness supports the development of insight and for the heart is stronger, we feel less fearful, less sorrow, we tend to be easier to accept the reality.  Ultimately, any lessening of anxiety is good.

          With the help of technology, even if right now only small amount of temple’s devotees can join the meritorious ceremonies in person to perform the representative duty on behalf of the whole congregation, all members around the globe can also appreciate that our beloved Dhamma communities remain available online simultaneously.  It presents the community’s energy that sustains and connects us, helps transcend the physical limitations that keep us apart, showing that our loving-kindness and care for one another within member network can be as contagious as any virus, sweeping across the globe without borders.

          We may understand Dhamma practitioners should ‘be a lamp unto oneself’ at all time.  It is a lovely liberating thought when we are casting off reliance upon external authority, but sometimes being our own illumination can feel lonely indeed.  After having faced the year 2020 rollercoaster of emotion with unprecedented challenges and new anxieties, we all need extra booster to keep our heart inflate.  And the effective booster shot to inflate our heart is to know that we are not alone.  We are in the Dhamma community where each individual lamp supports and enhances one another.

          So #NewYear is always a good time to celebrate the shared wish for everyone to be safe and fed, and for peace in mind and a better tomorrow to live.  And this is what the #NewYear celebration really means.  So far, the government has learnt various methods from many countries to curb the #outbreak while balancing the country’s economic priorities.  Most people are being optimistic that there is a chance to see beautiful year ahead.  And it signals, above all, new hope.


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